BC states that the new Pix regulations are unrelated to the fiscal situation.


The modifications to Pix are intended to combat fraud and are not related to an individual’s tax situation, according to Breno Santana Lobo from the BC Financial Market Competition and Structure Department. The adjustments are not meant to limit payment access.

The leader emphasized that financial institutions will only remove Pix keys in cases of fraud. Failure to comply with the new regulations will result in penalties, including fines.

“This action is aimed at combating fraud, not restricting individuals’ use of Pix. Therefore, it is unrelated to an individual’s tax status. Whether a person pays taxes or not is irrelevant to their use of Pix,” Lobo explained.

We do not want deceased individuals or those who have engaged in fraudulent activities using Pix. It is important to ensure that individuals with valid registration information and no tax issues associated with their CPF or CNPJ are the ones benefiting from Pix.

It is a targeted approach to fight fraud and does not aim to limit people’s use of Pix in any way.

BC will need the key to be removed in four circumstances.

The BC regulations specify when the Pix key should be removed from the CPF or CNPJ in four instances: suspension due to registered issues, cancellation due to duplication or court ruling, document deemed invalid in cases of previously identified fraud in the application, and document losses upon death.

The Pix key can be utilized in a standard situation without any conditions or while awaiting regularization, as mentioned by him.

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