
RDB: definition, investment guidelines, and distinctions from CDB


Many investors often wonder about the difference between RDB and CDB financial applications.

RDB and CDB are both acronyms used in the financial market, which are closely related. However, mixing them up can lead to financial losses.

Both are types of fixed-income investments commonly utilized by banks to attract funds.

To make informed choices, investors need to understand the key distinctions between investment options.

In this article, we will define RDB and compare it to CDB. Stay tuned to clarify any uncertainties. Happy reading!

What does RDB stand for?

RDB stands for Bank Deposit Receipt, which are secure fixed-income securities issued by various financial institutions and are known for being low-risk investments with FGC protection.

When investing in RDB, investors lend money to a private financial institution, which then uses the funds to finance its operations, similar to LCIs, LCAs, and CDBs.

When we invest in fixed income, the Bank Deposit Receipt functions by allowing us to lend money to the institution where we make the deposit. This enables banks to gather funds for providing credit to their clients, especially during market downturns.

The financial institution provides a return to investors as a form of compensation for their investment, which includes the amount invested plus additional income at the end of the investment period.

Minimum values for the initial application, profitability, and redemption deadlines may differ depending on the institution and product selected.

What benefits does the Bank Deposit Receipt offer?

The RDB provides numerous benefits to investors, particularly those with a more cautious approach.

RDB’s ability to generate profit

The returns on RDBs are typically greater than savings interest, making them appealing to risk-averse investors and those seeking a diverse investment portfolio. RDBs can offer gross profits of up to 132% of the CDI.

The profit potential of the Banking Deposit Recovery may be more appealing than that of the CDB.

  • Known in advance: when the yield is determined upon application.
  • The fee is typically calculated based on the CDI when the yield is determined upon the application’s redemption.
  • When the yield includes an index (like IPCA) in addition to a specific fixed rate, it is considered mixed or hybrid.

Lowered chance

The Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC) provides assurance of up to R$ 1 million to investors who invest in RDBs in case the issuing financial institution goes bankrupt, making RDB investment relatively low-risk.

Initial value is low.

The RDB has a low minimum application value of around R$1,000, enabling small individual investors with limited capital to make investments.

Differences between RDB and CDB.

CDBs, known as Bank Deposit Certificates, are private fixed-income securities issued by various financial institutions such as commercial banks, development banks, and investment banks.

The CDB, similar to the RDB, is a type of fixed income security that functions as a loan to a bank. When you invest in a CDB, you lend money to the bank and receive it back with interest, which is essentially the investment return.

The primary distinction between RDB and CDB lies in liquidity, which pertains to the amount of time required to convert an investment into cash.

The CDBs can be sold by the investor before the certificate’s expiration date, whereas the RDBs are fixed and non-negotiable, meaning they cannot be exchanged for cash prior to the deadline.

The investor should understand their investment goals before selecting the type of investment and making contributions.

Therefore, you can evaluate the pros and cons of each to make informed choices.

Discover the rates of RDB and CDB.

If the investor holds investments like CDB (Certificate of Deposit) and RDB (Receipt of Deposit), the interest rates are determined by a fixed table based on the length of the investment.

Redemptions within 180 days will incur a 22.5% interest rate on profits.

20.0% of interest rate on profitability for redemptions lasting between 180 and 360 days.

Between 360 and 720 days of recovery, there is a 17.5% increase in profitability.

Over a period of 720 days, rescuing results in a 15.0% increase in profitability.

Investing in RDBs: What is the process?

RDBs can be obtained directly from banks, some of which have a minimum initial investment requirement. Alternatively, they can also be purchased through brokers who facilitate the process between the banks and the investors.

The process to invest in this asset is straightforward. According to regulations, the RDB is not available through brokers and is exclusively offered by the financial institution itself. To get started, you can easily open an investment account with this type of institution. The entire process is conducted online and without any fees.

What is the optimal investment choice: CDBs or RDBs? This common question has a variable answer.

The primary factor in selecting an investment will always be based on your goals and the suitable risk level for your investor profile, as stated in the INCO blog.

In the decision-making process, it is important to consider the liquidity of assets to align with your short, medium, and long-term objectives.

If you have savings earmarked for a trip or emergency fund, it’s not advisable to invest in the RDB. This is because the money must remain invested until the end of the investment term.

It’s important to be cautious when hiring an RDB or CDB and not put all your money into these investments.


When deciding between CDB or RDB, investors should consider the inflation outlook for the period, as predicting inflation over long periods can be unreliable.

It is best to have assets available to diversify your investment portfolio, as diversification helps investors maximize gains and minimize risks.

Rescues should be made only upon maturity, so it is crucial to explore more liquid options for emergencies.

Rich Investify

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