
How to invest in this asset type and when to do so.


Understand the concept of BDR, as well as the timing and method for investing in such assets.

The Brazilian financial market provides numerous appealing investment opportunities, but investors often look for new ways to invest overseas to diversify their portfolios and enhance potential returns.

BDRs have become a cost-effective and safe investment option for investors looking to allocate their funds to foreign listed companies.

Explore the meaning of BDR and the pros and cons of investing in this type of asset.

What does BDR stand for?

Before diving into the technical specifications, it is important to clarify the meaning of BDR. Essentially, this abbreviation stands for Brazilian Depositary Receipt, which can be translated as Brazilian Deposit Receipt in Portuguese, or more accurately as Certificate of Securities Deposit.

A deposit certificate issued and traded on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3) represents shares of companies listed on foreign exchanges.

BDR is a stock traded in the Brazilian stock market and is listed on B3.

Brazilian investors can now purchase stocks from foreign companies, making them increasingly available to a wider range of investors over time.

The BDRs are similar to securities traded in foreign company roles, as well as in Brazilian companies, allowing investors to acquire shares without directly purchasing them from overseas companies.

How does a BDR operate?

The BDR provides a great chance for individuals looking to invest in well-known multinational corporations.

You can begin investing in foreign companies such as Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, and Tesla through the Brazilian Stock Exchange if you were hesitant to do so previously.

The Securities Value Commission (CVM) introduced new rules in 2020 that now give all Brazilian investors the opportunity to trade the product without needing to open a foreign account or pay taxes overseas.

When an investor purchases a BDR, they receive a certificate from a depositary institution that represents the company’s stock.

Depositary institutions are in charge of obtaining BDR shares, holding them in custody, keeping them secured and stored, and issuing certificates that represent these assets for trading on the VHL.

BDR returns depend on changes in stock prices and currency values, as there is no hedging available for this investment type.

An overseas company’s action can be represented by multiple BDRs in Brazil, allowing investors to access various opportunities by purchasing just one BDR.

The BDRs are viewed as a link between local investors and global market leaders.

BDR receipts enable:

  • capturing resources in the global setting;
  • International market expansion has become simpler in terms of funding for businesses.
  • Diversifying the investment portfolio.

Discover more about diversifying your investments to enhance safety and profitability. Read the article here.

What are the primary categories of BDR?

The BDR allows Brazilian investors to indirectly invest in foreign-listed companies.

There are two types: Sponsored BDR and non-sponsored BDR. See more information below!

BDR sponsored.

The sponsored BDR involves a foreign company directly engaging in negotiations to issue BDRs in Brazil through partner institutions.

BDRs of this category could be assigned various ratings based on CVM criteria.

BDR without support

Most BDRs on B3 are unsponsored, indicating that the depositary institution, not the foreign company, is responsible for the initiative.

Discover which types of investments align with your objectives by clicking here.

What are the benefits of investing in BDRs?

It is important to comprehend the pros and cons of investing in BDRs to determine if the asset aligns with your investor profile, risk profile, and goals in variable income.

BDRs offer the opportunity to diversify your investment portfolio by allowing you to invest in assets that are not listed on the Stock Exchange through your online brokerage account.

With this resource, you can optimize your applications’ potential returns and primarily minimize risks.

Investing in BDRs enables investors to access the global market without the requirement of opening a foreign account or transferring funds overseas.

What is the optimal decision to take in light of this information? Keep reading to comprehend.

Should I invest in BDR stocks or invest directly in the foreign stock exchange?

The investor looking to diversify their investment portfolio with foreign options may wonder whether investing in BDRs or directly in the foreign stock exchange is the better choice.

Both are popular options, but each has unique characteristics that need to be taken into account to choose the best investment for your needs.

The investor who buys a BDR does not own the stock issued by the company; instead, they become a shareholder of the issuing company when they buy an asset on the Brazilian stock market.

Consider what factors to assess when investing in BDRs

To invest in BDR, it is essential to understand your investor profile and consider the following criteria.

  • BDRs typically have less liquidity than foreign stocks, resulting in lower trading volume.
  • Investors who buy BDRs do not own actual stocks, but instead own smaller portions of an underlying asset.
  • The return on investment for BDRs is lower compared to the Stock Exchange. In reality, a company’s stocks on the American stock exchange will yield greater profits than BDRs.
  • You can invest in top global companies through BDRs, providing access to excellent investment opportunities.

When contrasted with the actions, the BDRs have some drawbacks.

  • Taxation.
  • Lack of sufficient liquidity;
  • Receipts are expensive.
  • Lower profit earned from an investment.
  • limitations on potential investors


BDRs serve as a portfolio diversification tool with promising return possibilities.

It is essential to assess which types of investors BDRs are appropriate for when discussing diversification. These assets are typically not favored by conservative investors who are averse to risk.

It is crucial for the investor to carefully evaluate risks and the global market when making decisions.

Thus, it is important to conduct an analysis to determine if this investment is beneficial and aligns with your portfolio.

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