
What is the concept of early intervention? Determine if it is beneficial to carry out!


Is it beneficial to redeem investments early? Typically, investors keep their investment until it matures and then receive their initial investment back.

Some investors may want to sell their investments before they reach maturity, particularly with long-term securities.

This article will explore whether it’s feasible to redeem investments ahead of schedule, the timing for such actions, and their potential benefits.

Every investor should have an understanding of the securities settlement procedures and associated costs. Keep reading to learn more!

What does early redemption in investments refer to?

In finance, early redemption means withdrawing money before the asset’s maturity or expiration date.

Emergencies can occur unexpectedly, and having funds available for emergencies is essential for investors. Therefore, early withdrawal might be the solution in such cases.

Can I save my application in time?

The investor should understand that there is no perfect time to make an early withdrawal, as different investments have their own set of guidelines.

The usual practice is to maintain the value until maturity. Some investments like CDB may permit early withdrawal, but fees may be charged for breaking the contract, resulting in a lower payout.

When is the optimal time to initiate an early rescue?

Redeeming an investment can lead to either a profit or a loss due to potential fees or taxes associated with it.

Cost Basis

The investor needs to be aware of the cost basis, which is the initial value or purchase price of the asset, in order to determine the capital gain or loss in the investment. Titles may be bought at a price different from their nominal value.

An investor purchases a title with a nominal value of R$1,000 at a discounted price of R$900 and receives the full nominal value of R$1,000 upon maturity.

The investor made a profit of R$100 in the year, and any capital losses they have can offset the tax owed on this gain.

If an investor purchases another corporate title at R$ 1,050 with a nominal value of R$ 1,000 and it is later redeemed at R$ 1,000, the capital loss of R$50 will offset the capital gain of R$100 for tax calculations.

As investors, we often feel the need to take action in response to significant volatility in stock and commodity markets, leading us to consider withdrawing funds early.

X Time Return

In many cases, it is beneficial to keep the money invested for a longer period and closer to the asset’s expiration date if you plan to redeem it early. This may help cover the fees for early redemption and reduce losses.

Financial education is essential for making informed decisions when investing and withdrawing investments to avoid negatively impacting your portfolio and financial objectives.

Keep in mind that certain apps provide daily liquidity, enabling you to withdraw funds whenever needed. Find out more below.

What does liquidity mean?

Liquidity refers to how easily an asset can be turned into cash. Cash is typically seen as the most liquid asset because it can be accessed quickly from a bank account or credit union account through methods like bank transfers or ATM withdrawals.

Having liquid assets is crucial as it enables you to cover essential expenses and handle unexpected situations. It’s essential to understand that maintaining liquidity and liquid assets come with a price.

The greater the liquidity of an asset, the slower its value will appreciate over time. Highly liquid assets like cash may also be impacted by inflation, which erodes their purchasing power gradually.

If you anticipate needing to withdraw your investment in the near future, it is best to opt for investments with daily liquidity.

Read carefully!

Is it beneficial to rescue investments early or not?

The initial factor an investor needs to think about is that early interventions have a direct effect on the performance and equilibrium of their portfolio.

Making withdrawals along the way to your financial goals can actually set you back from reaching your target. It is advisable to utilize your emergency fund if you require additional funds.

If your investments are not sufficient and you urgently need to cash them in, it is crucial to be aware of the deadlines associated with the investments.

Private fixed-income securities like CDB, LCI, LCA, and LC have a specific maturity date, so it is best to cash them in on that date.

Direct Treasure: Early Rescue Strategies

The Direct Treasury offers daily liquidity, allowing you to sell the investment title before its maturity date.

There has been a modification in the Treasury Rescue Direct.

Investors in the Direct Treasury can request early redemption of public bonds and receive the funds on the same day, as stated on the government website.

How does the early rescue of CDB function?

The CDB can be cashed in before it expires without any penalties, as its value is updated daily based on market conditions.

You should focus on the taxes.

  • When you withdraw money from a CDB investment, a new application request is needed, and a CPMF of 0.38% is charged.
  • As with any fixed income investment, there is a tax called IOF. If redemptions are made within 30 days, there will be an IOF tax on the earnings, which depends on the number of days the investment has been held.

Can LCI and LCA be saved before the deadline?

LCI and LCA bonds are not easily cashed in, requiring investors to wait until the maturity date to retrieve their initial investment along with the interest.

It is feasible to salvage LCI and LCA investments before the due date if you are interested in trading on the secondary market.

Not all financial institutions permit this transaction, so make sure to assess the company before investing your money. 🙂

What should you inspect when you begin investing?

When buying a title, it is important to consider:

  • The bank.
  • Profitability can be defined as the ability to generate profit.
  • the kind of paper
  • due date;
  • Charges for services rendered
  • When and under what circumstances you are allowed to sell the ownership rights, etc.

Redeeming the title early depends on your choice as an investor and how urgently you need the capital back, as mentioned earlier in this article.

The decision to redeem early depends on your objectives as an investor, the asset type in your portfolio, and the market conditions.

You should evaluate the risks of each investment opportunity because some have higher risks than others. Your investor profile plays a significant role in this assessment.

Consider before making any investment choice:

1. Develop a plan for managing your personal finances.

Before you decide to invest, take the time to carefully evaluate your complete financial status, particularly if you are new to financial planning.

The initial step in successful investing is identifying your objectives and risk tolerance.

Assess your investment profile by considering risk.

All investments carry a certain level of risk, so it’s crucial to be aware that there is a possibility of losing some or all of your money when investing in assets like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

Diversify your wallet.

Diversifying your investments is crucial to minimize risks. It is wise not to concentrate all investments in one place to protect against losses and minimize fluctuations in returns.

Make a reservation for emergencies.

Smart investors allocate sufficient funds to cover emergencies, ensuring unexpected expenses can be covered without impacting their investments.

It is recommended to have savings that can cover three to six months of expenses in case of emergencies.


Beginner investors may struggle to comprehend how to sell a security before it matures because they do not grasp securities prices and the potential inactivity of the secondary market.

Investors often lack certainty about potential losses when investing in securities. Therefore, it is crucial for investors to be well-prepared for situations where they may require quick access to their funds.

Rich Investify

Administration rate is important for investments.

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