
Real estate crowdfunding involves investing in real estate projects through an online platform. It is a way to invest in real estate projects collectively.


Do you understand real estate crowdfunding and how to make use of this new investment opportunity that has become established in the investment market?

Investing is often seen as something complex and out of reach for the average person, making it seem exclusive to a select group in society.

While many individuals believe this, investment options have proven to be increasingly diverse, dynamic, and within reach.

Real estate crowdfunding is a prime illustration of the fresh approach towards investing money, which has gained popularity both internationally and in Brazil.

Anyone has the opportunity to invest in the collective real estate financing market.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how real estate crowdfunding can transform your profitable investment idea if you are unsure of the concept or unsure how to begin participating in this type of investment.

Investing in property: understanding the real estate market

The real estate sector has always been a lucrative investment option, even before the emergence of real estate crowdfunding.

We will analyze them in order to grasp how collective investment addresses the concerns of a larger number of investors, making it the preferred choice for those seeking to profit from investments.

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Rental of property

Investing in real estate has a long history and is considered a safe investment option that has been culturally ingrained and passed down through generations.

Understanding why this happened is not very challenging. Due to past periods of financial instability, owning property appeared to be the most reliable option. This way, when inflation stopped rising, families had a valuable asset to generate income from.

Many individuals still view investing in real estate as purchasing a property for rental purposes.

However, although this kind of investment offers a consistent monthly income, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

The primary requirement is a significant amount of capital to buy the property, followed by potential inconveniences like additional living expenses and the bureaucratic complexities involved in the purchase.

Familiarize yourself with the key indicators of the financial market and discover how to excel in investments.

Real Estate Investment Funds, also known as FIIs

In Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), you invest your money by purchasing a portion of the fund with a collective of investors who pool their funds for real estate projects.

The fund manager’s role is to seek opportunities to maximize the earnings for all investors.

FIIs offer the chance to invest in different kinds of real estate with minimal investment.

The FII is considered a risky investment because its returns rely on market unpredictability and the income generated by other shareholders’ properties, which can impact your profits.

Real Estate Credit Letter (LCI)

The investor is lending money to financial institutions that gather resources to support the real estate industry, and eventually, they receive the invested amount with added interest.

One issue with LCI is that you can only access your funds at the end of a specific period, which can vary. This makes it more suitable for individuals seeking medium to long-term investment options.

Real Estate Receivers Certificate (CRI)

CRI is a long-term investment that typically takes about two years for liquidity to be available.

The CRI does not offer the same FGC guarantee as the LCI, so investors may not receive the expected value at the end of the investment. Additionally, a minimum capital of R$10,000.00 is needed to start the project.

What does Crowdfunding Real Estate involve?

Real estate crowdfunding is derived from the concept of crowdfunding, which involves collective fundraising and has been made feasible by advancements in communication technology.

Crowdfunding is similar to a digital version of a group funding initiative, where individuals with shared interests come together to support projects and bring them to life.

Collective funding can be utilized for various purposes such as financing a music album by an independent band, supporting the creation of a movie, or generating funds for charitable activities.

The system aims to compensate the collaborator in the end, potentially through receiving items such as the physical CD, film merchandise, and the achievement of the social goal.

Real estate crowdfunding has transformed the notion of collective financing by serving as an investment platform in the real estate industry.

How does Crowdfunding Real Estate operate in reality?

Investors can participate in real estate crowdfunding by registering on an online platform and selecting from expert-curated properties to invest in. They purchase a portion of the property and receive their investment with returns upon project completion.

Real estate crowdfunding is faster, more flexible, cost-effective, and has simple disclosure compared to traditional real estate investment models.

Investing in real estate broadens your investment opportunities and diversifies your portfolio, potentially boosting profits.

Investing in the real estate market has always appeared distant from the reach of regular individuals, as previously mentioned in this article.

The stock market is often seen as complex and unwelcoming to new investors, and even other seemingly straightforward investment options have challenges such as high capital requirements, instability, and liquidity risks.

Real estate crowdfunding aims to make real estate investment accessible to everyone, transforming the current scenario.

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What sets Real Estate Crowdfunding apart from Real Estate Investment Funds?

Real estate crowdfunding and Real Estate Investment Funds (FIIs) may seem similar at first glance, but they have significant differences that are important for investors.

In collective investment real estate, you can select the projects you want to invest in, whereas in FII, an agent decides where your money will be invested.

In real estate crowdfunding, you have more freedom to select proposals that align with your goals.

The return on your investment is also a crucial aspect in this argument. The FII typically yields between 0.6% and 0.7% per month, whereas real estate crowdfunding can offer returns of up to 1.5% monthly, more than double that of FII.

In the FII, investors’ quotas can be traded on the stock exchange, making investors vulnerable to rapid changes in their value.

Real estate crowdfunding emphasizes the construction phase of a project, leading to potentially higher profits compared to those offered by REITs.

Venturing into the innovative world of collective investment in real estate offers not only these benefits but also additional favorable aspects that explain the rising popularity of this trend.

For more in-depth information on the distinctions between real estate crowdfunding and FIIs, simply click the link that provides comprehensive details!

Is it beneficial to invest in real estate through crowdfunding? Discover the advantages!

Is real estate crowdfunding a worthwhile investment?

We have previously discussed the convenience and independence offered by the online setting for real estate crowdfunding investors, but there are additional benefits to these platforms. Explore them!

No fees charged

Collective investment allows you to manage your money independently without a manager controlling it, leading to reduced fees and higher investment returns.

Stable earnings

Even if the sales of the selected property do not meet expectations, the investor can still receive the specified compensation at the end of the process with a contractual guarantee.

Accessibility is the state of being accessible.

The minimum investment amount is R$500. This allows more people to invest in the real estate market and offers a potential annual return of up to 20%.


Real estate crowdfunding offers autonomy to investors, providing transparent information on how their money is utilized, along with risks, guarantees, and market projections.

Diversifying your investment portfolio

Investment crowdfunding enables investors to select from a wider range of properties to invest in, enhancing the security of their investment portfolio through diversification.

How can one begin investing in real estate crowdfunding?

Real estate crowdfunding offers a great chance to invest money without needing a large initial amount, while also providing autonomy and a reliable income stream.

The investment in real estate as a group has only recently started to increase on a national level. Forbes predicts that this market will exceed US$300 billion globally by 2025, indicating significant growth in Brazil as well.

It is very easy to begin investing your money today in Inco. Select a project to start building your real estate investment portfolio quickly and stay ahead with a cutting-edge return on investment.

Real estate crowdfunding investments, like other investment types, should be chosen according to the investor’s profile. Determine your investor profile to identify the most suitable investment opportunities for you.

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